About Us

We currently have about twenty members ranging from relative beginners to those who are more broadly experienced. The latter are very happy to share their knowledge and, indeed, that is very much the ethos of the Group. We prefer to encourage and support rather than to compete. If you are interested in photography and like what you have read about us, why not consider coming along as a visitor one evening. We offer one free taster session to see if you like us (please ask for details) and for those who join part way through the year, we can usually offer pro-rata membership dues. The full annual membership fee (in 2024) is £30 per person and this includes participation in all of our usual monthly meetings.

APG is managed by a small committee of members, appointed each year at the AGM. 

  • President: Stuart Turner
  • Secretary: Nuala Simpson
  • Treasurer: Derek Cook
  • Committee Member: John Prodger
  • Committee Member: Alec Brown
  • Committee Member: David Price

APG Current Rules and Policies

Data Protection Policies

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