- The name of the group shall be ALDEBURGH PHOTOGRAPHY GROUP (APG).
- The Objectives of the Group shall be to promote the Art of Photography by mutual assistance, demonstrations, lectures, excursions and any other methods conducive to its advancement.
- Membership of the Group shall be open to all persons wishing to join, but only members aged 18 years and older are eligible to vote.
- Any Member aged under 18 will be deemed to be a Junior Member. Junior Members under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a Parent or Guardian.
- Ordinary meetings of the Group shall be held on such evenings and at such times as the Committee may decide.
- When members submit images for review or discussion at any Group meeting, or where images are collected for a specific event (eg the Aldeburgh Carnival) or for some other activity of the Group, these will be submitted to a committee member for possible inclusion in the Group’s website, usually at reduced resolution. Unless the committee is notified within 3 days of the date of submission that some or all of these images should not be so displayed, it will be assumed that the member has consented to such a display.
- Where members’ images are displayed on the web or in some other way, the Group will show a message that all such images remain the property of the original photographer, and that they are displayed, on their behalf by the Aldeburgh Photography Group, under the terms of a creative commons licence. Viewers are free to copy and share these images, but they must give appropriate credit and must not share remixed or transformed images. A link to the full terms of the licence can be found at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/. If Carnival images are used in a publication, a request will be made that similar terms should apply.
- The business of the Group shall be managed by an elected Committee comprising President, Secretary, Treasurer plus two other Committee members; three committee members are required to form a quorum. The President’s term of office shall be two years with no restriction on the length of service for other Committee members. A Vice President shall be appointed at least one year before the President retires and shall serve on the Committee for the year prior to handover.
- The Committee shall have the following powers:-
- To co-opt not more than two additional members to serve on the Committee.
- To make any rules regarding the Group’s property.
- To appoint Sub-Committees and/or Members to promote and manage any specific branch of photographic interest or objectives of the Group.
- To deal, in the interests of the Group, with any emergency that may arise and that is not specified by these Rules.
- To expel or exclude any person from membership if it is felt, after full investigation, that such action is desirable.
- The Annual General Meeting shall be held once in each year and no later than 15 months after the preceding Annual General Meeting. At least 21 days’ notice shall be given in writing (or by email) to all members. A quorum shall be 20% of the paid up members.
The business of the Annual General Meeting shall include:-- Receiving and approving the Annual Reports.
- Receiving and approving the examined accounts.
- Electing the Officers and the members of the Committee for the ensuing year.
- Appointing an examiner for the accounts.
- Considering any other business which has been published in the Agenda or notified to the Committee in writing, or by email, at least two weeks in advance of the Annual General Meeting.
- Giving consideration to specific activities and/or projects for the Group.
- Nominations for Officers and members of the Committee must be distributed by email, at least 21 days prior to the AGM. Nominations must be proposed and seconded by members and require the consent of the nominee. If there are more nominees than places on the Committee, then voting shall be by ballot of members present at the AGM.
- An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of Aldeburgh Photography Group may be convened at any time by resolution of the Committee, or by a requisition signed (or supported by email) by 20% or more of the members, stating the objective of the Meeting. A meeting held on such a requisition shall be called by the Secretary of the Aldeburgh Photography Group giving the other members 14 days’ notice in writing (or via email) of such a meeting. There shall be a quorum when 20% of the membership is present at the meeting.
- Annual subscriptions, which are due at the January meeting, shall be determined by the Committee and submitted for approval to the members at the AGM. Any Member who, by the end of March, has not paid his or her subscription shall, at the discretion of the Committee, cease to be a Member and shall be notified to that effect. For those who have not been members within the last three years, and who join part way through the year, the committee will have discretion to set a part payment pro rata according to the remaining number of meetings for the year.
- Finance:-
(a) All the income and property of the Aldeburgh Photography Group shall be applied solely towards the Objects of the said Aldeburgh Photography Group.
(b) None of it shall be paid or transferred in any way to its Members (including the Committee) except in good faith for “out of pocket” expenses incurred directly in the course of the work of the Aldeburgh Photography Group.
(c) A bank or building society account shall be opened in the name of the Aldeburgh Photography Group and withdrawals shall be made on the signature of two out of four nominated Committee members, one of whom is a Principal Officer. - Aldeburgh Photography Group may, at any time, be dissolved by a resolution passed by a 75% majority of those present and voting at an Extraordinary General Meeting of the said Aldeburgh Photography Group. If any assets remain after the satisfaction of all debts and other liabilities, such assets shall be donated to a Suffolk photographic organisation with similar objectives, as agreed by the members.
- Alteration to the Rules. These rules may only be amended with the assent of at least 51% of the members of the Aldeburgh Photography Group present and/or voting at an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Aldeburgh Photography Group. Twenty one (21) clear days’ notice shall be given to the members stating the intention to put forward such a resolution. If a member is unable to attend such a meeting, they may cast their vote by writing or emailing the Secretary of APG at least 48 hours before the Extraordinary General Meeting.