Aldeburgh Photography Group (APG) is established with the objects set out in its Group Rules and is a data controller within the UK as defined in The Data Protection Act 2018 and relevant previous Acts.
The personal information referred to in this Policy may include the member’s name, residential address, telephone number(s), records of entries to competitions and other electronic means of communication, together with such information as may be necessary for the effective management of the legitimate interests of the APG. Any person wishing to verify the information held by APG may apply to the Secretary.
By giving the APG committee your data, you have agreed to be included in the information held and that this will be available to the Committee. APG Members that require the information for a specific purpose will be asked to take the utmost care of it. APG will not share or sell such information to other organisations or individuals, without your permission.
Members of APG may unsubscribe at any time, at which point their email address, telephone number and postal address and all other personal data will be deleted from the APG records.
APG collects and holds personal information about its members, including the Committee and others who offer their services to APG e.g. judges and speakers. The main purpose of this information is to inform and remind members of meetings, photographic workshops, field trips etc. and any changes to arrangements that may occur.
The information is held electronically and in printed form by The Secretary, other members of the Committee and anyone assisting the Committee for a specific purpose e.g. a Member running a field trip or workshop.
In order to minimise the risk of email addresses being misused, the Committee will, when sending out Club notices to all members, use the “BCC” blind copy field for email addresses.
From time to time there may be a need to share information between members for a specific purpose, e.g. creating User Groups on the basis of what cameras and other equipment members use. On these occasions, members will be informed that their details will be shared in order to create a “group”. However, they can of course decide not to take part, which would prevent their details being emailed or otherwise passed on to other members.
APG may retain historical archives for example, but not limited to, records of meetings, copies of lecture notes and associated visual material, e.g. “slides” and photographic images.